Listening to: Manu Chao - Mama Call scene i: dippin' dots (four) were falling from the sky today! i was going to go out with a cup to catch some ice cream from the sky, but then the sun came out... but then the sun came in. that's ohio weather for ya. hohoho.
{Today, from 12am to a solid 11:05am of heavy sleep, I dreamed a dream. A most uncompromising, vivid, and narrative-driven dream that probably had me blacklisted by the Chinese government. It started with a park. Sunny day. Green grass. Sasha and I were moving about, moving across the lawn, and there were six, six kids our age, six against the world. Li Hui was one of them on the swings, the charismatic leader of the pack whose name conjures a mix of fear and awe. I knew nothing about him until days after his death (uh, I'll get to that). I knew nothing of his terrorism, his martyrdom, nor do I remember exactly what he was fighting for. All I remember was six kids talking with two in a park. I remember him swinging on the monkey bars, a mass of tousled black/gray hair and startling smile. He had chiseled features, small falcon eyes and lips perpetually fixed in a lopsided smirk like he knew exactly what you're worth. He was criminal and dangerous and exactly the bad boy all the good girls fall for, and really now, he was the leader of a rebel group (again, the cause of which I don't recall, but I believe falls somewhere in the blurry lines of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness through destructive, flashy means. If I were an artist I'd draw out exactly what he looks like before I forget, but as it is, I can only fumble with falcon eyes and descriptions in vain. Li Hui. Li Hui. Li Hui. This is what you looked like, and tomorrow I'll forget.
The rest of the dream sort of went by in a flurry of motion, with gun shots and mug shots. There was like a swat team that surrounded us on the lawn, cameras flashing, accusations of us being involved with terrorists. Then we all escaped somehow, and did I mention all of this took place in a New York-esque setting with a Chinese mindset?
Then came the fateful day when the six kids were somehow found. At the cataclysmic junction that looked like 34th street, they were shoved into the part of a bus where luggage is usually thrown in, and I remember a pair of legs sticking out as waves of screams tempered the crowds. I remember their mug shots stuck to every surface, the face of Li Hui, and a girl with really sweet hair that parted and stuck out three ways, and I remember hiding because I thought I too was going to be executed due to being a co-conspirator.
Yeah I think that's all I remember. Wait, then I saw my boss at a cafe. She had a daughter with her instead of a son though, and seemed more demure than usual. In fact, the world became rather muted yellow after the six kids were captured and executed. I wasn't at their execution (I believe I was hiding), but that stuff is of legends. Apparently they all gave speeches on runways, and Li Hui was riding a bike???}
yeeeeep. ;)