Music: Black Kids - Love Me Already A combination of being jetlagged and a 2:00am conversation with Rong has brought on a fit of self-induced insomnia. One of which I hope to resolve by collapsing on the nearest bamboo mat by 5:30pm. Anyway, I thought I’d fill the nightly void and talk about TV shows in PRC.
Because because because. Aside from reunion with family, friends, and food, being in China has always been about head-to-toe immersion for the media junkie in me. Which explains why I spent 200 kuai (approx 25USD thank you) on a stack of magazines yesterday, and why the past three hours have been dedicated to catching up on various English blogs on China. I find myself coming back to the same one over and over again. to see who’s hiring. The eminent China Law Blog, which not only isn’t as dull as one may perceive from title and tagline, but may very well be my favorite China blog. Peking Duck because it actually makes me want duck everytime I see their duckpond graphic. The Shanghaiist for media whoring at its best, and because sometimes it just spins me out and makes me feel like I’m back in New York. Add to that some fresh youngin’s I stumbled most likely from above, Kai Pan at CNreviews, and of all things, CSM’s Beijing 2008 Olympics blog as alternative to NYtimes’ (every Nationalist’s least favorite next to CNN) Rings Blog (oh you so clever with such a cute name).
But, back to the point. TV shows… yeah yeah yeah! Because what I really came back to China was for the commercials. Here is a what’s hot report after 3 hours worth of channel surfing!
1. 家有儿女 (Family with Kids) - the definitive, most successful, most overplayed urban sitcom taking cues from the Brady Bunch and any American show that plays itself out in the living room and backyard. There are moments when the mother (portrayed by a famous Chinese comedian/actress) is clearly based on my own mother. At times a bit didactic, other times pretty damn good screenwriting, I’m pretty down with saying that the entire show rides on the shoulders of its charismatic, mischievous, trouble-making son Liu Xing. Oh and if you’re wondering how the fam gets away with three kids. It’s a re-marriage with one of the kid born in the US of A.
2. 绿光森林 (Green Forest) - There’s always a Taiwanese drama recycled over on the mainland, and to be blunt, Taiwanese dramas are my least favorite after HK and Mainland ones. They always feature the same pristine, overly made-up idols in the same prince and damsel in distress roles with the same bloody Taiwanese accents that I can’t take seriously… This one features a love triangle between an international violin superstar, a cute elementary school teacher, and some big shot board of education official.
3. 甜蜜蜜 (Sweet) - I only paused to watch this because the female protagonist shares my name and my nickname, and the narcissist in me just likes to be called on. But alas, then I found out the main guy is played by Deng Chao, one of my favorite actors all around. So this one’s game, except the premise seems to be about good girl falling for bad boy and mommy wants the boy indicted for raping her daughter even though she said he didn’t but oh well mom is willing to commit daughter as psychological unstable?!?
4. 快乐大本营 (Happy Camp) - is probably the most popular entertainment show where they feature skits and interviews. The entire show works really, because I’m convinced my favorite host is everybody’s gay best friend. No, really.
5. 笑傲江湖 (State of Divinity) - Jin Yong’s martial arts novels have long been the stock for TV drama material. CCTV’s take on the State of Divinity have been bashed by HK purists, but this has series has always been my favorite. Director Zhang Jizhong has followed up with a couple more Jin Yong dramas, and is known for his beautiful set locations, the gorgeous actresses he picks, and an overall epic tone that corresponds with most mainland martial art dramas. I also think this is one of Li Yapeng’s (Faye Wong’s hubby) best works to date.