So this chick sitting next to me at the Korean café turns to me all of a sudden and goes, "hey, I don't want to be rude, but can I get your. honest. opinion. on something?" She's the one sitting alone with a bottle of sake, but if I had a bottle in my hands, I would have set it down without missing a beat, "yes, let's hear it."
I was a firm believe in the power of saying "yes," and seeing where that might lead to, and so I set down my imaginary soju and turned to her, "sure thing."
The chick's Asian (aren't they all in K-town) with long hair (again, don't they all) and had an air about her that was straight-up New Yorker. She tells me about her boyfriend, their relationship, her feelings, his actions. What it boils down to and what you can take away from the story is basically he dumped her because he was looking for fun and she wanted a relationship. Now she's hung up and sitting alone in a crowded café on a Friday night, drinking to her own misery and spilling her guts at a stranger.
When I cleared this hurtle I said, "Oh, right then, so it's not mutual."
She replied with a "of course not" that sounded more like "no shit" and waited for me to relay some sage advice as if I could pull out a Chinese cookie fortune out of my ass. I wished for both our sakes that it was my friend the psychologist who ended up sitting next to her. As it was, all I can say now is that while my answer referenced Will Shakes, it precluded the sprinkles of idealism that permeated the story life of fair Juliet and her Romeo. Love is about communication, girl. You've been with dude for a year. You should know what he wants and what you want out of it.
Or something like that.
I'm no Abby after all, and seeing her eyes glisten with tears kind of made you aware that she might have taken your words too seriously when you only knew 1/100 of the story. What you really should have said was "hey it's gonna be all right," so you try to say it with your eyes when your friends say it's time to party, let's go go go go. You give her the biggest smile you own for situations just like this, and leap into the night.
We're all going to be all right.