I did three things today. 1) Instead of re-writing the personal essay for son of family friend, wrote a 500 word email advising him to BE UNIQUE, BE SPECIFIC, BE PERSONAL. He responded with much better essays. Cute kid.
2) A walk in the park at 7AM, because blue skies are damn hard to come by.
3) More meetings, more talk of partnerships, collaboration, better management.
Lessons distilled.
I like giving. If there is any reason to get better at what I do, it would be to make others happier, make life easier. It's one thing to wage revolutions in the abstract sense, but another to see immediate changes in one person, one office that you affect. If I could keep doing one thing, it would be to give all that I have away, not that I have a lot to give, other than an ear ready to listen and an open heart, but I do feel lucky that I appreciate the act of giving.
On top of Jingshan park on a clear day, I feel ready to give myself away. To fly into the Forbidden City and disappear, not exactly in the suicidal sense, but the feeling you get when your flight gets super bumpy and you're sure you're going to die and think: well, if it comes it comes, I've given it my best. There is a lot more to do, to be sure, but if it's over, that's quite ok too.