
人情味。person/human. emotion/passion. taste. The nuances of language. To be the scientific human, to be a person of acquaintance. English with its precise meanings and plethora of vocabulary. The noun in between emotion, passion, and love, the weight of humanity. A heart for its radical. Chinese and its symbolic strokes. Panpan说纽约有人的味道,她说大城市给她带来安全感。她说她不要树的味道,不要虫子的味道了。我想这就是所谓西方与东方观点的不同吧。很多成功的西方人向往着大房子乡村的生活。人归于大自然。而东亚人是永远的高楼万岁,商场万岁,Prada皮包万岁。 我们一个劲的赞美中国是怎么怎么有人情味。The people are many. The emotions thick. The taste pungent. 中国人人际关系复杂,重感情,重面子,重请客,感情是吃出来的。中国人不为自己活,而是为父母,家庭,朋友,祖国活。美国人活得干净,活得清清楚楚。自己是第一。自己的梦想是第二。自己。自己。自己。所以人家的国治也那么规规矩矩,都是为了保护自我利益。不像中国的人情社会。你拉我我拉你他倒霉。


因为,其实,当你体会到集体的力量之后,自我的观点其实是很寂寞的。而拥有无限自由的你,却更可以施展自己的梦想,不会被社会抵制。这就是the dilemma of a lifetime.


最近男朋友说他要当律师了。很神奇。I guess this is how we all grow up. Eventually, we just sort of... do.


Still I see the lights, like bursts of fireworks dancing in the dark in an opaque dream. I'm traveling in a taxi between traffic--crossing bridges and highways, skycrapers and temples--I'm bracing for impact, clawing for some type of realization, resolution. 23 years spent divided between two worlds and psyches, even I'm tired of the same topic. Still, the image hovers, but I'm always traveling through, I can never get quite close enough. I'm bracing for impact but I never get close.

So dance light dance, dance until the day dawns on us, and I'll explode with the morning sun.
