DJ: Thnx. Don't let Beijing get to u. Enjoy it for what it is. Q: What does that even mean DJ?
DJ: just means enjoy the awesome people u meet here and don't let the temporalness of it get to u. So many good people here to "figure things out." Anyways, maybe too deep for 3:30 in the morn.
I met DJ maybe two weeks ago, the night of Fei's going away, music trading party. DJ is leaving next Thursday, back to the States, back to Seattle. He asked for music event recommendations in the Jing because, judging by the fact you had a hardrive ready for that music trading party. He's right. I invited him to Mongolian throat singing, Hanggai, and almost didn't recognize him. Joan and Banning were there, so was TJ, but I just stood in the front and danced, because at the end of the day, when everyone leaves, all you can do is keep on dancing like a fool. All you can do is press your body against giant speakers and let the vibrations pour through your very being.
Joan and Banning will leave too, in a month. One day, maybe, I'll have a going away party. Who will settle here. Who will remain. Who will continue the threads and unwind their lives. TJ says, I'll be here at least for the next few years. I owe him too much. I owe him all the hurt that I've saved for myself, but instead, I launched it all on him. The amount of cruelty of capable of, paralyzes me. But at the end of the day, the music goes on, and friends will come and go, and men will stay or leave, and all that is left is you and the speaker.
Speak up.