an unorthodox lesson on translation/介就是QQ清清版翻译

--- The Internet is made of misery, and Internet with no Wiki just... suck.别提wiki了,这种破网连鱼都抓不到。

--- I did, however, find a great beyond-mouth-watering-words bakery, and have promptly decided, after the first bite of the eyes-watering-out-of-gratefulness bread, that I WILL WHEN I GET MY OWN APARTMENT IN CHINA OR NEW YORK HOPEFULLY BOTH THAT IT WILL BE NEAR A BAKERY. 不过今天的确找到一家让人流哈喇子的面包店。在吃一片让我感动的要流眼泪的面包时,我决定了:以后有自己的(在纽约或者在中国或最好是两边都有~汗)的家以后,楼下必须有个很好的面包店!

--- I am so bloated from Ray's music I feel like smashing up my 20GB iPod. What century do you think this is? Not a 4000song one, certainlly. But then, all this new music plus all this old music sort of does make me want to kill myself. Songs with the length of around 2.5 minutes (for example: Strokes' "Is This It" and ANT's "when your heart breaks (into many little pieces) and Brain Failure's "New York City" and The Platters' "Smoke gets in Your Eyes" and etc etc.) are puuurrrfection. 在慢慢地消化从ray大库考到的音乐。我正在想怎么谋杀20GB的iPod。你认为这是什么世纪?真的不是4000首歌的,真的。不过,说实在的,最近我听音乐听伤了,很快就想谋杀自己了。我为什么总是动不动就杀?? 我改一下,最完美的歌应该是差不 多2.5分钟就唱完的,比如说:Strokes的 "Is This It" and ANT的 "when your heart breaks (into many little pieces) and 脑浊的"New York City," The Platters' "Smoke gets in Your Eyes"等等。)

--- Because we live in such a material world, you know, and I'm wired to the Internet, lost my soul to my headphones, five fingers to cellphones, a couple more toes to shoes, four limbs to fashion consciousness, and my mind has been swimming in magazines, movies, the art of vision, lately. 因为我们活在一个爱物的世界。因为我最成功的恋爱就是跟Firefox,我们谈了n年了我还天天挂它身上不放。因为我把魂丢给了耳机, 五根指头让给了手机,脚指头给了鞋子,四肢扔给了时尚心态,脑袋瓜给了杂志,电影,视觉。

--- A moment of silence, I think I have just now, right this second, decided that I may still have to play with English after all. Because it is kind of fun..................... because you gotta play where your strengths are. 肃静。肃静。我英文的确比中文写的好。若是玩文字的话,我也的确只能玩英文。可是我还是…我还是… 我还是妄想有一天能拥有两个语言。

--- Not to be sleeping with your best friend's husband BUT, I miss the NEW YORKER. 并非想跟最好的朋友的丈夫发生性关系,可是,我还是真挺想《纽约客》的。

--- I read an article on Malcolm Gladwell today in Chinese, and I remember his name in English in The New Yorker! 今天在《东方企业家》读了一片关于Michael Gladwell的文章。发现能认得出他就是因为《纽约客》啊~

--- See, there are things you like that I, too, can like!!! (maybe we just both have a thing for New York...?) 你看看,有些你喜欢的东西我也喜欢嘛(要不我们就是太喜欢纽约了~娘~我真的也不是那么那么喜欢纽约啊)

--- Next year when I'm back in my rabbit hole we call O-H-I-O. I'm going to open up my eyes and ears. I'm going to subscribe to a stash of magazines (and it will include my beloved Chinese mags, somehow). I'm going to read and write my soul out. I'm going to open up my eyes and ears for all the kids dreaming of going to New York City. I'm going to open open open to see if that world really is that great. 天,这么一大段英文,我说什么了?我好像就是在说明年回那边去(死——)一定要订一堆杂志,一定要把耳朵大开眼睛睁大点,一定要为了这些孩子们搞明白为什么,为什么那个地方又这么值得欣赏,值得参考。

--- and here I quote Brain Failure (Chinese punkrockband that's pretty much Rancid with an accent)... "Dreaming about... New York City... Better to know... Better to go.... Better to feel... Better to dream... New York City, New York City all right, New York City ohh yeah~" 脑浊的一首歌叫“纽约.”

--- I will one day be in The New Yorker. I will one day be in The New Yorker. In some shape, form, bribe... yadda. 有一天我的名字会出现在《纽约客》里。做梦的梦想阿…有一天…….

--- And here's my schedule *Jan 10th: Beijing... John and Jiae are coming to Beijing... meeting up with them! If I can find time, I'd like to check out Chaoyang for TimeOut's headquarters. 编辑要来北京,下礼拜见他们~~~~ 朝阳区真麻烦,不过想去看看《乐》的总部。 *After that until Jan 18th: studying and finals and stuff.... 考试复习什么的~~~ 我还是个学生?我好像是个坏学生。 *Jan 25thish - Feb 20thish: Trip to Yunnan--->Guang Zhou--->Shen Zhen---> Hong Kong--->maybe Fuzhou. 云南-广州-深圳-香港-福州―――――〉天 *Feb 20thish: Happy Fucking Chinese New Year either in Tianjin or Fuzhou or Hong Kong. 新年快乐。我在哪里 过? *After Chinese New Year: dun dun dunnnn. 自己想要的。自己去奋斗吧。

I want to say: damn. 我想说:X.