I & II but no III

I 缘分 | 本能 姑娘说: “你知道我为什么喜欢黄色吗?因为你最喜欢黄色。我从小就佩服你,你喜欢什么我就喜欢。"


II 蛇舌 | 脑残

"Know what a forked tongue is?"

"One that's split in two?"

"Yeah, like the tongue of a snake or lizard. Except sometimes ... they don't belong to a snake, and they don't belong to a lizard."

He deliberately removed the cigarette from his lips and stuck out his tongue. Its tip was clearly split in two, just like that of a snake. Then I watched, transfixed, as he lifted the right tip of it, then skillfully grasped his cigarette in the crux of the 'V.'


在国内的时候,难免不听流行歌曲。某某天听着听着S.H.E.猛然发觉,靠,这玩意儿真单纯,真健康,真脑残。我就这么瘫痪乐呵下去,也不至于投靠椎名林檎,sigur ros,interpol这种败类吧?