Sound & Vice

In the latest New Yorker, Alex Ross muses on the Chinese music scene from genres classical to the experimental, with a sweeping look on the growth of western music in China in the age of “Super Girl” adulation. Worth a read. I’m always happy to find mainstream critics/journalists other than the eminent James Fallows who writes China well.

Some highlights

1. He mentions Yan Jun, who I had the pleasure of working under during the Get It Louder exhibition. Yan Jun laoshi is perhaps the most polite and minimalist “monk” I’ve ever met, the type you know who would enjoy walking barefeet on clean wood tiles and could put together a noise show that blows your mind away. Yan Jun will be featured in the upcoming ”Beijing Olympics” issue of Theme Magazine as guest TOP TEN music editor (translated by your truly). Please keep a look out for it. He picks some sweet sounds that you can youtube.

2. Speaking of Theme. Today I got this when I tried to access the site. :D Time to get more bandwidth…?

3. Written primarily with a beat from the Beijing music scene, the article predictably locates itself @ 2 Koolegas, D22, and Mao’s on the experimental/indie=kinda expat-y front. Last time we were going to D22’s for a Carsick Cars’ gig, RongRong & I asked a group of (seemingly) bar-going crowd for directions to the place. The girl in the group grabbed her boyfriend’s hand tight like RR&I were vixens in stilettos out to get him and said “we don’t go to places like that—” Eyes smoldering, red lips and all. You can never tell these days who really is a rock n’ roll hero.

4. Carsick Cars’ will also be featured in Theme’s next issue.

5. What I’m trying to say is, check out Theme’s next issue soon yeah? :)

6. As a last note, this is my new blog site (essentially: less personal musing, more links, more China). Tumblr is hijacked referral from Lam’s Tumblr blog.