spoiled rotten ignorant little girls

qing qing: Do you think I should get my hair done with poofy dreadlocks like hers?Hairdresser #1 (blowing dry my hair): Will your old man let you?! qing qing: Sure! Why not. Hey, hey (yelling to Guiming, my hairdresser), what do you think about me getting a hair bomb dread lock style? Guiming: Uh, yeah, sure, maybe when you graduate. (dismissive)

My hairdresser envisions that I grow out my hair, above-waist length, straight and shining black. He's hip and somehow paternal. He's probably between 27-32. We could never date because he says I'd be too independent for him. Well, maybe it's just we can't marry because he says he has to be the man of the house. I once dated somebody who said "of course I'm dating you so we can get married someday. I mean, isn't that the point?" and I was stunned to death.

The stereotype of the southern Chinese man - dark, short, not good-looking, industrious, and spoils his wife. Today must have been the 50th time that I've seen a boy with a girl on the back of his bicycle, and I wondered, just a little, if I could be like that, ever. I ride my bike like it's the end of the world, looking like a 小子(punkass boy). I'm close to getting to ride it with no hands. I believe I wear heels only to curb whatever wants to break out of me.

Hairdresser #1 today says I'm lucky. I think I see it in the eyes of a lot of people after they learn I lived in America for the past 10 years. But he... he didn't really care for green cards. He shrugged about America, and says,

"you're lucky you can go to school. A lot of people can't afford to go to school these days." "Do you mean college?" "No, I mean all of it." "In cities or rural areas?" "I mean everywhere."

And for a moment, when our eyes bumped in the mirror, I wondered if he wondered that I wondered if he didn't get to go to school as a kid. Their eyes make me feel spoiled sometimes. Here, in the land of haves and havenots, where fake brands sell across the street from 3000yuan Levi jeans. I'm the kid pampered by mum and dad. I have a laptop and speakers. I... I don't know. Social classes suck. I don't want to feel like I belong in the upper-middle strata. Is that stupid?

One of the guys at the hair place who never does anybody's hair, but like, say, today, he ordered somebody to do somebody's hair, and he opened the locker with my bags in it when nobody else could... I think he's the boss. I am fairly very attracted to his face. He's not good-looking, no no. Rather, he always looks somewhat miserable, agitated, half-hearted. His eyes would scan the place in intervals, but never resting, like he wants to go somewhere but he's perpetually shut in this box. I'll give him an age between 30-35, to be kind, and yet, yet yet yet, along with the great sorrow that aging may wrought upon us, his chin curves gently, and his eyes are soft dole black stones. In another day and age and different circumstance, he can probably pass for a introverted intellectual, poems by candlelight and candlelight by mood, but today he is impatient, today he is waiting for something to happen. That's when I catch his eyes, looking at him looking at me looking away.


Actually, I think the new Timberlake album is fly. If it was 2:30 songs instead of 4:30 ones. If it didn't vomit JT had the hottest producers and beatmixers working for him. But hey... apparently collaboration is in. I dig it.

tianjin baby

别动! 你已经被祝福包围,马上放下烦恼,向快乐投降,你所有的忧愁,将被全部没收,并判你幸福一百年,流放到开心岛, 由好运监督执行. Cutest text message I've ever gotten. Hei hei. Let me take back some harsh words and say... I've had a really good class today, learned a lot. Chinese college education might be okay, just don't take classes with international kids, poor babies.

Facebook is really starting to creep me out.

Finding a good man is hard.


I live on the sixth floor of the six story building, so when the wind is whistling the wind is really howling like a beast. I'm made of air cuz I'm airy and I'm oblivious to everything unless you wave it in front of me, and so I love wind, but this wind is wind-packed with dust and makes my eyes kinda weary. But I am home on a short interlude before I am off to Lei Lei's. Much has happened, this updating everyday thing won't work, but I am committed to thorough factual updates lest I forget. So... What's happened?

- I spent a ding-load of money at a beauty salon, accidentally. Chinese saleswomen are truly impressive. You go in for a massage on your mother's card and comes out with a year's membership. Fu.....cuk.

- Mind how you pick your hairdresser, because in my experience, they are the it people to get you on-board, which is primarily the reason why I abandoned Bing Bing for a new place near Carrefour. Bing Bing was good for some fringe underground rock n' roll scene in China, and I reckon I can call him up no prob, but I need a younger crowd cuz I'm vain like that. So settled on chance at some hair solon called Beauty Workshop, typically hip crowd of young hairdressers and stylish mirrors. Made friends with the one with the nice designer glasses and hot hot tattoo. Oohhh, superficiality, how I love thee. I am at the moment, very always willing. heheh.

- Spent the afternoon with Xin. She's never had Starbucks, so brought a frapuccino in all is 32yuan glory (fuck when did Chinese people get so rich? This is RIDICULOUS, what kind of drink can be 32yuan in China?) for her. She is sweet as before. What a darling.

- Classes in general. Chinese universities need help. Some classes here are absolutely weak. Took a class on literary theory and the professor mumbled on and on about how we need literature. Well, no shit Sherlock, hence we are paying tuition to listen to you drone. Moving on. Somehow this came to involve diagrams that makes no sense whatsoever. Okay, now I'm just mean. It's not that bad actually, especially what with all the Korean international students buzzing in the back in Korean, Gucci, and Anycall. /sarcasm

- Speaking of which, the Gucci song amuses me

Some guys dress their own way Some guys look all the same Some guys just look OK The Gucci man looks hotter every day

... [Chorus] Girls screaming Gucci Oh my God, it's the Gucci guy-he's a heartthrob! If you like what you're seeing Wave your arms - Gucci Shook the States plus Milan The G is fo Gucci And not for game If you're not wearing Gucci You're one of the same Gotta stay calm, hear me out Gucci - that's what the world is all about

and what a world, what a world it is

- Lei Lei can dance. I'm waiting to go clubbing with her, my little baby all grown up.

- The Forbidden City is being sued at the moment, by a tourist who thought it wasn't fair that there was no labeling of what parts of the palace was under renovation.

- The media/paparazzi is under fire for sneaking pictures of one of the TWINS (Hong Kong pop group) while she was changing backstage at concert. There's no law protecting either side (aside from the "moral law"). The government is debating where to draw the line for media freedom. Kinda ironic. Heheheh.

- The tofu here is Amaaazing, as are cucumbers, when eaten raw

- The Monkey King is pretty much on 24/7

- My foot is asleep sleep sleep

- Some Chinese men can be leechy pansies

- I'm sorry, God. I know this is stupid. I miss Olive.

- I am hotter. HAHAHAHA... urm. 自恋.

- Getting rid of my tonsils. Chinese herbal medicine is very very bitter.

- Overall, I am really quite happy, despite being semi-friendless (despite getting new phone numbers somehow everyday), despite can't breathe and impending sickness, despite worrying about the "state of China," despite annoyed that I lost my notebook goddammit. There are problems here, and that makes it all the more worth being here.

China, Day 1

Attempting the impossible and the ridiculous, I plan on keeping a diary of some sort here--like, hopefully, a 70% stats, 30% commentary type of journalistic/reflective endeavor, while writing some, writing... urgh, fiction. Anyway, re-cap on the last three days. Beijing, China - Day 1 (082806)

- Plane delayed for a day in Chicago - Stayed at hotel, met people - Got to Beijing around 11 - Got to Tianjin around 1:30 due to getting lost - Slept from 15:00-3:00

I know where mama got her temper when third Auntie opened her mouth and yelled. The first day in Beijing is gray. It's gray like the newly built buildings, sleek and modern and flashing with giant, vertical red banners that scream how so and so real estate company is making your home and community a garden of a paradise to live in. Every apartment complex here is compared to Babylonian gardens. They might have a chance, if they are able to pierce the thick wall of cloud pollutants more paradise lost than regained. It's so gray the trees look like they did in 1995, matte gray, gray through a memory filter. We were driving and we kept getting lost and honked at. There's a few stray bicyclists looking out of the era. There's a taxi drive taking a piss off the side of the road.

We're driving and we kept getting lost. Tough it out, cookie.

I'm afraid my hypochondriac tendencies are, if we could adequately borrow the terror alert system, at a red. It's a bit on the scary side. I would like it to stop so that I can resume to be the foolhardy, gullible, idealistic girl that I am.

Beijing is somehow ugly and unfamiliar looking like a game not worth saving on Sim City.

There's towering condos everywhere, and everywhere billboards and banners shout mercilessly.

Me? I just don't wanna die. Hahaha.

There was a car accident on the way back. It flipped to its side and scattered packages of letters over two lanes. The driver's walking around without a shirt on. He's got his shirt pressed to the side of his head, where blood oozed and trickled out. I kept on wishing the police car we're chasing in front of us would give us a ticket, because we sure was going at insane speeds swiveling from car to car enough to make me wish the seatbelt in the back of the car would actually work.

It's just, I don't wanna die.

Tianjin, China - Day 2 (082906)

- Chatted from 3:00-6:00 on QQ - Went to Grandma's @ noon - Went to hospital in the afternoon for that tonsil problem - Got shot twice - Shopped @ Carrefour, massive 20:00 lines

Today I got shot (by a needle). I fainted for about 10 seconds to gray haze -heart sped up, ears imploded, eyes to zombie death, a group of nurses ushered around me and led me to bed, "Are you okay? Are you okay? Tell us what's wrong, what do you feel? Can you hear with your ear? shi bu shi er ming la?" To which I moan in confusion, "er ming shi shen me yi si?" Death I wantednto say, before I regained conscious in my fingers and gripped them strong against the bedpost--death. 10 seconds later I was okay, but all the doctors think I've lost my head. "Zen me bu zhi dao er ming shen me yi si?" What does she mean she doesn't know what er ming means?

Oh, she just got back from America. She lived there for 10 years. Auntie explains. Oh, guai bu de. (Oh, no wonder) One doctor quips. "Zhang de zhen nai ren-er ne!" She is very cute! Another nurse quips. "Shi ah, hen jun ah," and another adds.

And I almost fainted again.

Tianjin, China - Day 3 (083006)

- Went to Western medicine hospital - Went to visit brother - Went to Chinese medicine hospital - Went to Carrefour again to buy more junk - Fell asleep from 17:00-21:30 again...

I love this place two to three o'clock in the afternoon--when the cars are wearier and roads breezier and I'm crisscrossing traffic like a fish in a stream, slice and dicing my way around.

There's this one little kid that made my day. He was going upstream, on a red light, curving between taxis and bikes. He's on a skateboard. He makes an ollie. He's a shrimp of a little thing disappearing into the crowd.